
moving right along...

I'm really moving slow on this blog thing. What I need to do is just write down my ideas as they come to me, then post my random thoughts. At least it would be a start, right?

Just the other day, me and a coworker found out we were being transferred to another group. We'll essentially be doing the same thing (systems analysis, development, etc.) but with more opportunities to expand into different business areas - and with a few more dollars in our pocket! ;-) It's going to be interesting to change - since I've been under the same manager in the same group since I graduated from WSU - nearly 5 years ago. But - change is good! That's why I work in technology, right?

So, as I install my new pedals on my bike today, I get to ponder the next steps in my career. It's going to be a wonderful growing experience.

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